24-25 Jun 2024 Gif-sur-Yvette (France)

Workshop objectives


The emergence of advanced experimental technics to address physics at the nanoscale offers a unique chance to explore the richness of non-equilibrium physics, impacting our fundamental understanding of physics and providing avenues to improve physical protocol efficiencies.

Over the last few years, levitodynamics has emerged as an exciting approach to explore such phenomena due to its high degree of control. In that sense, it may complement alternative methods, such as optical tweezers, nano-mechanics or micro-robotics.

The present workshop aimed to bring together people from these different communities that use different strategies with similar goals. It will also bring together people from experimental and theoretical backgrounds. This scientific diversity will be the basis for new scientific objectives and collaborations and hopefully generate cross-fertilization between the different fields.


The Workshop will be held on June 24th and 25th, 2024 at ENS Paris Saclay

The registration is free, but mandatory (limited number of participants)

The workshop is partailly funded by the LeviNet Scientific Network and the Université Paris Saclay, through the PhOM graduate school

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